Nike Colin Kaepernick ad campaign

Nike ad campaign star with Colin Kaepernick, the football player who first knelt during the US national anthem before NFL games to protest racial injustice, waa biggest mistake pitted.  on social media people reacted opposed to Kaepernick’s protests quickly began posting videos in which Nike products were destroyed.

Few of the athletes are supporting Colin those who have black roots and stand to black community, but rest of all People went loud and destroying their Nike clothes to protest the company’s new ad campaign starring Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback whose protests during the national anthem before games caught the ire of President Donald Trump.

Kaepernick caused a stir when he sat on the bench while the anthem played before an NFL game in August 2016. Asked why he wasn’t standing, he said he was sitting in protest over police killings of unarmed black men. He went on to consistently kneel during the anthem, and while he went unsigned last season, a handful of other players had continued the practice.

The new Nike campaign, released Monday night, showed an image of Kaepernick with the words “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

The practice of kneeling during the anthem proved divisive last year, however, with Trump characterizing it as disrespectful to the US flag and military.  And on Monday, videos quickly emerged of people burning Nike shoes, cutting Nike’s swoosh logo off socks, and in some cases vowing to never buy Nike products again.

Many posts included the hashtag #JustBurnIt, a play on Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan.

The country musician John Rich tweeted that his sound technician, whom he described as a Marine veteran, had cut off Nike’s signature swoosh from his socks in protest.

Dozens of athletes in football and basketball, as well as cheerleaders and band members, have knelt or sat in protest during the playing of the national anthem.

Trump has slammed athletes who followed Kaepernick’s lead.

He suggested last September that NFL owners should stop those who kneel during the national anthem from playing in games. “Wouldn’t you want to see one of those NFL owners, when someone disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a the field right now’?” he said at a rally.

He also tweeted: “The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem. NFL must respect this!”

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