Statement by Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis on Century 21 Filing for Bankruptcy 

New York — Assembly Nicole Malliotakis said, “Today’s announcement that retailer Century 21 is filing for bankruptcy and closing all its stores, including its original store on 86th Street in Bay Ridge, is bad news for its employees and our city.  Mayor de Blasio has once again dropped the ball. He’s spent months placating far left demonstrators, fighting with Albany and Washington and letting our city descend into an era of gun violence and street crime instead of reopening New York City and fighting for its businesses and their employees. Whether it’s a major retailer like Century 21 or your neighborhood restaurant, the story is the same; Bill de Blasio’s policies helped put them out of business.”

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis also stood up with the Independent Restaurant Owners Association Rescue (IROAR) as we announced the filing of a lawsuit against Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio to force the reopening of restaurants in New York City.

Today, the governor and mayor reacted by announcing resuming indoor dining at 25% capacity on September 30th. While we’re happy the city and state have acknowledged the plight of the restaurant industry, it’s not enough. We will continue to proceed with the lawsuit until New York City is granted the 50% capacity like every other municipality in New York State.”   

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