Al Arbour man in Hockey died

Al Abrour.Died.82“You have to earn respect. Al was the kind of person who everybody really liked and gravitated to, but really respected. And the game of hockey is not the same today without him. Just a good man.”

AL dead at age of 82. He was a not just a man, but the most New York sports legend coach and the only coach to win 19 consecutive playoff series not even something the Yankees could argue and if it wasn’t for the finances of the Isles he would have had some more wins under his belt.

During The Islanders beat Edmonton in the 1983 Finals to secure their fourth straight Stanley Cup, and his teammates began their own era, ending the Islanders’ unmatched run of 19 straight playoff series wins in the 1984 Finals. Every player knows the respect factor that people have for someone like Al Arbour — a wonderful person who got respect from everybody who played with him, against him or for him.





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