Zlatan Ibrahimovic on way to MLS
|The rumors talking that Swedish legend and Manchester United striker, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 35, dropped a pretty serious hint on Monday that he might be headed to the US in the not-too-distant future.
“It’s a huge option for me. For the football and everything else. I can see myself conquering the US as I have with Europe,”Ibrahimovic told Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. “Lots of people stay in one place throughout their career, but I’ve traveled around like Napoleon, and conquered every new country where I’ve set foot. So perhaps I should do what Napoleon didn’t and cross the Atlantic and conquer the States as well.”
A league champion with Ajax, Juventus, Inter Milan, Barcelona, AC Milan and Paris Saint-Germain, Ibrahimovic has gotten off to a solid start in his first season with Manchester United, scoring six goals in 11 English Premier League matches.
The all-time leading scorer in the history of the Swedish national team, he’s indicated multiple times in recent years that he’d one day consider a move to MLS and was linked to the LA Galaxy earlier this year.