American journalist Grant Wahl dies at Qatar World Cup

BREAKING: Prominent American journalist Grant Wahl has died in Qatar while covering the World Cup on Friday despite Argentina’s game, sparking an outpouring of shock and grief across the sports world.

“The entire US Soccer family is heartbroken to learn that we have lost Grant Wahl,” US Soccer said in a statement on its official Twitter account.

“Grant made soccer his life’s work, and we are devastated that he and his brilliant writing will no longer be with us.”

His cause of death is unknown, however, his brother Eric Wahl said he suspects foul play.

She tweeted as news of Gahl’s death spread, “I am so thankful for the support of my husband @GrantWahl’s soccer family & of so many friends who’ve reached out tonight. I’m in complete shock.”

U.S. Soccer released a statement via Twitter and said, “The entire U.S. Soccer family is heartbroken to learn that we have lost Grant Wahl. Fans of soccer and journalism of the highest quality knew we could always count on Grant to deliver insightful and entertaining stories about our game, and its major protagonists: teams, players, coaches and the many personalities that make soccer unlike any sport.”

The organization saluted Wahl, stating that his “passion for soccer and commitment to elevating its profile across our sporting landscape played a major role in helping to drive interest in and respect for our beautiful game.”

It went on to praise another trait of Wahl’s, writing in part that “Grant’s belief in the power of the game to advance human rights was, and will remain, an inspiration to all.”

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