Aniston purposely missed invite two co-stars-Friends

Jenifer Aniston finally got married, but that was forgotten to invite the all co-stars, as specially she skipped the Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc  were realized they hadn’t been invited.

Her two former co-stars told Entertainment Tonight that they weren’t even aware there had been a wedding. Perry said he’s “very happy for them,” but…

“I was surprised. I didn’t know about it.”

LeBlanc echoed his well wishes and added that he was happy Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow were able to make it.

“I wasn’t there, so I wish her the best. … The girls were there. You’ve got to have the girls there.”

What was the cause, Jenifer purposely miss inviting the other two friends?! as of the Gossip Cop reported, Aniston wedding to Justin Theroux at her home last Wednesday. The more than 70 guests thought they were attending a surprise birthday party for Theroux, only to find out it was actually their wedding. Courteney Cox served as maid of honor, and fellow “Friends” star Lisa Kudrow was also in attendance.

“I think she’s happy. And that’s all I care about is that Jen’s happy,” he said, adding, “If she wanted me there, I would have been there.”

He recalled to People sources, “I was in Austria working. She called me, and she was like, ‘You’re really not coming to my wedding?’ And I was like, ‘I asked them if they could change the schedule. I would fly and clap and fly out.’ And they said, ‘We can’t do it. It’s too tight.’

That was such a good excuse, not to showing the big emotions in the public eyes, but apparently she didn’t invite of fact that thinking the bad luck toke from the first marriage with Brad Pitt. LeBlanc was the MIA at the first wedding.



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