Biden reveals ‘Omicron’ plans ahead of chaos Christmas

According to Biden administration reveals ‘Omicron’ plans ahead of bleak Christmas with soaring prices and fears of new variant.

For many Americans, their dream of a white Christmas this year might turn out to be a chaos one, with fears of an Omicron storm and inflation reaching a 40-year high despite US President Joe Biden’s new Omicron plans reflect his biggest governing feature of inaction, which is likely to make him the first US president who “so failed in the first year in office.”

Covid-19 and Omicron testing before days of Christmas around NYC, December 22.2021/Photo credit balkanpress

As anxiety rose over the spike in cases in the US in the past weeks, Biden on Tuesday announced new plans. Biden said the US government will offer 500 million rapid at-home tests for free to Americans, starting in January, but when those tests will arrive and how they will be delivered is not yet clear.

Biden also encouraged Americans to get a booster shot as “booster shots provide the strongest protection against the Omicron variant.”

The new Omicron plans came as the fast-spreading variant has become the main coronavirus strain in the US, accounting for 73.2 percent of new cases over the past week, with many hospitals struggling with insufficient capacity as they did last year.

The New York Times said in a report titled “Omicron will surge despite Biden’s new plan” that health experts fear that the Omicron variant will not be stopped without harsh measures.

Just days ahead of Christmas, Biden assured Americans on Tuesday that they could still celebrate the Christmas holidays as planned if they had been vaccinated and followed the precautions.

According to Mount Sinai medical Center research quarantine at home if serious can be treated patients in hospitals.  But this virus is a common cold  and nothing is to worry about it. To prevent wide transmission, require comprehensive measures, such as the social measure of staying at home, wear facemask.

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