Bobbi Kristina Brown’s

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s situation, is devastating.  Not long ago her mother died from downward spiral with drugs and alcohol, her life ended far too soon, Bobbie made almost same mistake.

Her friend is speaking out about the 22-year-old’s last months, Alex Reid, who met Bobbi Kristina at the Grammy’s two years ago, says her friend called her three weeks before she was found unresponsive in the tub of the home she shared with boyfriend Nick Gordon according to E! Online.. “She was sobbing. Nick had hit her and she was scared. She was very upset,” Reid said. “She didn’t know what to do. It was as if she didn’t have anyone else to turn to. It was heartbreaking.”

What really happen, that Steve Stepho was found dead in Suspected Overdose?! He had admitted to selling heroin “Stepho told Radar less than four months ago he’d helped Whitney Houston‘s daughter and her partner Nick Gordon “get drugs sometimes, but not regularly.” There is a big question mark, how he died, or who was the killer.

Those are secrets been there for long time, Brown’s loved ones claim that Gordon was a jealous lover who often beat her senseless, Gordon has been slammed with a mega-million dollar wrongful death lawsuit. He could also face possible murder charges when Brown dies.  Bobbi Kristina Brown was desperately reaching out for help in the days before she was found facedown in a bathtub last January. Brown has reportedly been moved to hospice care, after months spent in a medically induced coma in the hospital, “Now It’s all in God’s hands” the Huston family said.


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