Bobbi Kristina dies at 22

Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away just 22 years-old, the daughter of superstar Whitney Houston and singer Bobby Brown, died Sunday July 26 2015, almost six month she was found face down in her bathtub in Georgia.

Its true celebrity tragedy to have the both Mother and daughter in same footsteps died. Bobbi was initially taken to North Fulton Hospital and placed in a medically induced coma, and she was later transferred to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where she was on life support in the neuroma intensive care unit.

In March, she was moved to a rehabilitation center. There was a hope that she can survive, the family said “Only God can save her.” Despite reports from the family and her Father were reported that they fight to bring her back, and were all  focused on Bobbi Kristina’s medical prognosis and the criminal investigation.

Her death cut short the dreams she had to following in her mother’s footsteps. Houston’s death on February 11, 2012 , it was an accidental drowning in a bathtub, a coroner ruled, with heart disease and cocaine use named as contributing factors, there was a great deal of concern for Bobbi, who was 18 at the time.  Kristina opened up to live interview in Opera Winfrey’s show in 2012, she was coping with the loss of her mother. “She wasn’t only a mother, she was a best friend.” Kristina told, her broken heart and emptiness of loosing the best friend.”

 Her mother was willing to do more with her career, not to followed her bad footsteps, by pursuing a career in music and acting. In 2012, she made her acting debut on Tyler Perry’s TBS show “For Better or Worse.”

Her father the R&B singer Brown said. “My family must find a way to live with her in spirit and honor her memory. Our loss is unimaginable. We thank everyone for the prayers for our Krissy and our family as we mourn my baby girl.  “She is finally at peace in the arms of God. We want to again thank everyone for their tremendous amount of love and support during these last few months.” family said to sources.

Krissy she was with her boyfriend Nick Gordon, but her family berried to visit her. They accused him for many criminals acts on her, it is still not clear what happened to Bobbi Kristina or why. Police have been investigating the situation, but nothing so far announced. The was also statements of  the conservator for Bobbi Kristina filed a lawsuit against Gordon, accusing him of beating her up the day she was found, and stealing $11,000 from her account afterward.

Bobbi Kristina tragedy is not coincident, now reunited with her mother, Huston the 48-year-old singer had struggled for years with cocaine, marijuana and pills, and her behavior had become erratic in the stages and in her marriage with Brown. RIP -Angel!

Bobbi Kristina Brown
Bobbi Kristina Brown

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