Brazil legend Pele, going to miss opening Olympics at Rio

The Rio 2016 Olympics will go out this year of Brazil legend Pele, going to miss opening ceremony due to health.

Brazilian soccer legend Pele, the most recognizable athlete in the nation’s history, will not be attending the opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio on Friday night, according to the Associated Press, Pele said his ‘ill health’ prevents him from attending.

The 75-year-old was expected to make an appearance at the Maracana stadium for the ceremony. Per AFP, he has undergone numerous hip operations and now uses a cane. He was invited to light the flame by the International Olympic Committee.

Even the last summer, he was hospitalized and underwent surgery.  According his social media he kept posting pictures of Brazil, but today wasn’t his lucky day, that made Pele, posted on the social media following message on his Instagram account with both languages:

“Dear friends, Only God is more important than my health! In my life I have had fractures, surgeries, pain, hospital stays, victories and defeats, and always respecting those who admire me. The responsibility for decisions is mine where I have always tried not to disappoint my family and the Brazilian people. At this time I’m not physically able to attend the opening of the Olympics. And as a Brazilian, I ask God to bless all who participate in this event and that it is a great success and end in peace!”

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