Christian Orthodox Vodici on January 19
|New jersey (01, 19, 2023) — Vodici or Bogojavljenie or Theophany, is the day on which according to Christian tradition, Sveti Jovan Krstitel (St. John the Baptist) baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.
The day before Vodici is called “Vodokrstenie” which is churchly called “Krstovden”. Then the priests go to people’s homes, and with basil and sanctified water sprinkle all the rooms in the homes, and thus chase the demons (“all the bad things”) from the houses.

Orthodox celebrities each year January 19th, traditionally today in almost all settlements, priests throw a ritual cross into a larger water river, lake or pool, and people jump into the water and try to catch the cross. It is thought that on that day all waters are baptized and that the one who will catch the cross will have luck the next year.
This ritual symbolizes the entering of Christ in the River Jordan. In biblical Palestine, in Jordan, was heard the voice of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, who called people to repent for their sins and receive baptism. He baptized people of Jerusalem and all Judea. The Lord Jesus Christ came to John at the Jordan waters. He recognized the greatness of Christ’s divine nature and therefore he was saying, “Behold the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world upon Himself”. He baptized Christ in the River Jordan.
Once baptized, he came out of the river, heavens opened and the Spirit of God as a dove in bodily form descended upon Him. Voice from heaven spoke, “This is My beloved Son!” The voice of the Father is referred to His Son, but because of him, he is calling all people of the world to become the sons and daughters of God.
With this holiday is given the meaning of baptism as one of the most sacred secrets of Christianity. Baptism means spiritual birth, the start of human life in faith. Therefore the godfather is considered the spiritual parent of the baptized and closest relative. With this holiday end not only the twelve unbaptized days, but also ends the festivities cycle that is associated with Badnik, Christmas, New Year (Vasilitsa) and so on.