Cosmos made to Semifinals ahead

Hempstead, New York (Oct.31.2015) – Matchday on Saturday night regular season finale at the Hofsra Shuart Stadium, Cosmos defeat the Tampa Bay Rowdies 2-0.

Raul Gonzales and Marcos Senna before the game night was apprecuation day honored by NY Cosmos, with two great paintings of Art, their portraits and flowers, awhile his family were participate beside of the opening night.

During the first half, Tampa Bay made great defense, ended up with 0-0. The second half Cosmos brake down 1-0.  During the 54minute, Raul strick first goal, and the seconf was made by Sebastian Gounzatti scored his fifth goal this season, in 58minute followed by defence of Senna.

Raul made 8th goals this season. The former Real Madrid he officially going to retired after the one fame left end of the season.

Head Coach Gio is proud to have best players, and happy for helping out this club and team, announced during last week press conference.  Cosmos are now ahead from Otawa, (10-6-4) and next oponent is in the Semifinals Championship on Saturday, Brooklyn MCU Park at 2:00p.p.E.T. via The One TV Network.


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