Dior men’s fashion show Paris

 Christian Dior’s favourite flowers while Van Assche drove the culture clash home by mixing camouflage fabric with the diamond-shaped Argyll patterning beloved of golf club members.  The bomber jacket, a streetwear staple, got a middle-class makeover in the collection by being embroidered with white roses

His bright orange made plenty of appearances on the catwalk, with Van Assche adding splashes of red, yellow and blue, inspired by the work of American artist Kristin McKirdy.

According to sources “I’m not known for my use of color, and in her work I’ve found a way to embed it, almost a way to infiltrate it,” he said. “We ended up doing a collaboration.”

The results of that collaboration could be seen dangling from the hands of Dior’s models and swinging from their necks, in the form of large pendants using the bright color scheme.

Two thousand rose bushes were brought into the Paris Tennis Club for the show, where Chanel head designer Karl Lagerfeld was among the guests. Dior blend of traditional elegance and sportswear for its SS2016 collection, with artistic director Kris Van Assche paying homage to both the bomber jacket and the blazer.

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Dior-men’s fashion-credit


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