Dwayne Wade to interview LeBron James

Who said Wade is not good Journalist?!
wade vs james

The NBA knew exactly what they were doing when they invited Dwayne Wade to interview LeBron James after Game 3 of the NBA Finals. These two guys played in four NBA Finals series together, winning two of them.

No other interviewer knows LeBron better than Dwayne Wade does — they did share a locker room. This bond allowed Wade to get answers out of LeBron that we are not used to hearing mid-way through the series.

“Obviously I played with you for four years, seen you in many different arenas, let’s talk about your mindset right now, because I see a different LeBron, I see a different focus and look that I haven’t seen, and I’ve seen a lot. Tell everyone about your mindset,” Wade said. LeBron laughed and gave a textbook answer. Wade wasn’t satisfied.”

Wade showed that he has determination as an interviewer, not letting his former teammate off the hook when he gave a bland answer the first time Wade tried to push James into revealing that the he wasn’t happy about finishing third in the MVP race this season. He dug deeper and James eventually let loose and seemed so relaxed; and Wade got the answer he was looking for.


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