End of the 3/4 Hawks tail the Nets 92-66

Live on the channel Abc.com, or Espn.com, NBATV, live on the air, Hawks not making any doubt, they are on fire, and only 8 minutes left to the end.

Nets gave up long time ago, Head Coach Lionel giving up by not rest the players, Deron Williams, tonight is not in the good shape, not even Lopez, Jack is trying to control the situation, but not enough, when his players are sloppy and loosing in the defense.

Atlanta outscore 41-21 in the 3rd quarter to take 92-66 lead into  the 4th head to the final frame. Hawks have 30 assists 8 turnovers, and Nets 15 by 13 turnovers.

Nets straggled from the beginning, and from the starter five. Now its too late to catch up. Do we have hope?! Nets fans left the building..

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