Greater Raul Gonzales finished career with NASL Tittle

The greater former Real Madrid and La Liga, 38-yers old Raul Gonzales, since Oct 2014 embark with NY Cosmos ended up his career with style on Sunday night. He is the most influence stricker in the Football history.

The last match Sunday, at James Shuart Stadium, Raul played full game, and made victory for New York Cosmos, clinched the Soccer Bowl with a 3-2 win over the Ottawa Fury.  Raul set up his side’s third goal with a delicate flick as Gaston Cellerino wrapped up the victory.

NY Cosmos is second of the North American Soccer League (NASL) Soccer Bowl title, adding to their 2013 triumph, winning the tittle again, it’s huge imapact for greatest coach Gio who has didicated his team for NASL victory.

Raul Gonzales, has finished career with touch up feelings by the fans, like greatest Baseball player Derreck Jetter, ended up the career in style.

Raul, after great win of NASL, he is planing to spent time with his family in New York and they will move back to Spain.

All the best, Raul Gonzales with your retirement! Well-Deserved.

Raul Gonzales/credit pic by Mike


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