Hash tag Becker clamed doesn’t like Djokovic

According to new Book has been published claiming that Federer and Djokovic are two different worlds, and they “don’t really like each other.” There are sensitive words calming in allegation as Becker describing his feelings about Novak.

“I find such comments unnecessary,” Federer said in an interview with Berner Zeitung. “He cannot know whether I have a problem with Novak. It’s true at the beginning I didn’t like his behavior on the court but today he behaves wonderfully and is extremely fair.”

According to British Daily Telegraph, the book mentioning that doesn’t spend enough time to spend together, obviously Djokovic, mentioned in several interviews he is not there to make friends, he is there to win a championships. Obviously Becker has fear from Djoko, as he is the best Tennis player in the world.  However Federer indicated that the comments caught his attention because they came from a player he admired when he was younger. “I didn’t like hearing what he told,” Federer said. “He was one of my idols. But I also don’t know exactly what he said, especially since on Twitter he contradicted half of it.”

The six-time Grand Slam champion mentioned on social media Twitter that he was “misquoted” in various media stories and has the “utmost respect” for Federer. HMM.!!!

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