Hundreds gather outside City Hall to protest the anti-de Blasio mayor

New York — Hundreds gather outside City Hall to protest the anti-de Blasio mayor rally near City Hall today, can’t stand Mayor Bill de Blasio’s policies moreover they can’t stand him.


“And if you cannot do that,” organizer Scott Lobaido told the crowd, “we call on our Governor Cuomo because we know you can’t stand this man either.

“Rid us of this human waste of a mayor.”

The protesters carried signs reading, “Step Down de Blasio,” “Defund de Blasio” and “Hey, de Blasio — F–k Me? No, F–k You!”

They shouted “Lock him up!” and “Impeach him now!” and blared Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

A highlight of the rally was when Scott Lobaido, who is also an artist, pulled a sheet off of his hand-painted portrait of Hizzoner, unveiling it to the crowd.

Scott Lobaido
Scott Lobaido at City Hall Rally with his art painting describe anti-de-Blasio mayor, Saturday Aug 22.2020 credit balknpress

Entitled “Asshole,” the portrait depicted the rear end of a donkey.

Scott LoBaido unveils his new painting during a rally today.Rashid Umar Abbasi

“Look what he’s done to this city,” agreed Sergeants Benevolent Association Vice President Vinny Vallelong.

“He’s gone through three police commissioners. None of you should be worried about your parents, grandparents or even children going to any store to get bread, milk, and having to worry about them getting assaulted with gun violence,” he said.

“Murders are up in this city, burglaries are up, grand larceny, nothing, he’s doing nothing.”

“It breaks my heart to see this city being destroyed,” she said. “It breaks my heart to see what our mayor is doing on every front.”

A fourth-generation New Yorker, Lobaido told demonstrators he was there to describe “how twisted my onions are over this mayor.”

This rally is for you, the working man, the business owner, the elderly couple who can’t go to the park anymore because the criminals are running rampant and they’re going to get their heads cracked open,” Lobaido shouted to the crowd.

Scott Lobaido at City Hall Rally credit balknpress 

“This rally is for that black family that owns a restaurant, that Jewish guys that owns a business,” he said.

“Right this sinking ship,” he demanded of the mayor, “or take a page from the thousands who are abandoning New York City, and just go away.

“I know you all know the list, but just to piss you off a little more I’m going to throw in a few more at you,” Lobaido told the crowd, most of whom did not wear masks.

Protestor support Scott Lobaido art prints anti-de Blasio, Saturday Aug 22.2020 credit balknpress

Giving these criminals Mets tickets, he said of a much-criticized initiative that used free movie and ball game tickets to entice defendants into returning for court appearances.”

Letting the looters and the anarchists destroy the capital of the world, this city,” he said of the summer’s protest chaos.

Lobaido’s list kept growing, as did the crowd’s anger.

“Abusing, humiliating, demoralizing and defunding the greatest police force in the history of the world, the NYPD,” he said, referring to calls to reduce the department’s manpower and budget.

“A billion with a b. that he and his wife made disappear, vanish into thin air,” Lobaido added, a reference to Thrive, the much-criticized $1.25 billion mental health initiative run by de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray.

Mike Zumbluskas and Lou Puliafito are political activist running for election, they gathered at the City Hall Rally’s Scott Lobaido, Saturday Aug 22.2020 credit balknpress

A few of the anti-de Blasio rally-goers mixed it up with a nearby, smaller group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators, marching across the street to scream, “All lives matter!”

Cops stepped in to break up the cursing, jostling contenders, whose dispute over who, precisely, matters remained unresolved.

Annette Gerage, 67, from Brooklyn, held a sign that said, “Save our City  Impeach De Blasio.”

“I do feel De Blasio is letting this city go straight to hell, back to the 60s, 70s, 80s, just as bad, if not worse,” she told The Post.

“The city we have loved is gone. What do you expect from a Dinkins protege? He is a do-nothing mayor.”


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