I’m running to fight for New York! Chele

I’m not running for Senate to build a political career. I’m running to fight for New York. 

Those are trully word’s for a Patriot! Kirsten Gillibrand has finally agreed to debate Chele. It’s a half-hour one-on-one scheduled for Thursday afternoon, October 25 and won’t be broadcast upstate. Is this what government-transparency advocate Gillibrand means when says “Open public debate is essential to democracy” or is she being hypocritical yet again?

Chele signed up to debate Senator Gillibrand five times, and she agreed to one, it wasn’t until the New York Post put her in a chicken suit on the cover that she folded and agreed to our October 25 debate.

       credit foto by NY Post

However residents need to hear from Senator Gillibrand, as well. And recent appearance on “Fox and Friends First” Chele’s challenged Kirsten Gillibrand to another debate on Fox News so a statewide audience would have the opportunity to hear both sides.

Refuse to disenfranchise millions of upstate New Yorkers just so Presidential wannabe Kirsten Gillibrand can duck more questions about her record and hide in New York City. Her next debate is scheduled for November 1. Will Gillibrand show up, or will she continue to run for President in places like New Hampshire, where she was seen campaigning this month instead of representing you? We already pressured Gillibrand into sitting down for one debate.

Team Chele members upstate, downstate and in between to help us turn up the heat on Chicken Kirsten today!

Your vote is important! #teamchele

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