Irina Shayk sexiest women

Irina Shayk one of the sexiest women in the world , and her love affair with the chief American bachelor Bradley Cooper without exaggeration be called the most talked about Hollywood lavstori recent years.

Recently, she gave another reason for gossip sharing with fans in his Instagram image of the photo shoot for the 2007 Sports Illustrated magazine. Even 10 years, Irina has not changed while others, that over the years the beauty blossomed becoming even more luxurious and sexy. Not without its skeptics  hinted at the fact that in recent years the photo shoot at Sheik obtained monotonous, boring posture and facial expression detached without expressing absolutely no emotion.

Irina herself nostalgically recalls his first photo shoot for the legendary men’s magazine : ” I will never forget this filming for Sports Illustrated. I am honored to be a part of this amazing team for the past 10 years “- shared his emotions Sheik with fans at his page on Instagram.


Irina S.

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