Jason Kidd suspended

Jason KiddHead coach Jason Kidd from Milwaukee Bucks was suspended after swiping the ball away from a referee during Wednesday’s game against the Kings, press conference announced on Friday.

The league office punished Kidd for “aggressively pursuing and confronting a game official, slapping the ball out of his hands and not leaving the court in a timely manner upon his ejection,” according to a statement. And Kidd missed Friday night’s  big loss 114-90 over Magic in Orlando, Florida.

 He was ejected just before the end only 1:49 min left and Bucks’ 129-118 loss after slapping the ball out of referee Zach Zarba’s hand. Kidd had to be restrained for one game out,by O.J.Mayo.

Kidd said on thr press to ESPN, that he protected his players :

“I walked all the way down to get a timeout,” Kidd said, “and then we had our discussion. “From there, I’m trying to protect my guys. Understanding we felt we were getting fouled and the whistle wasn’t being blown. What happens in this league, you have to stand up for yourself, and my job is to protect those young guys.”

In support to his coach, players from the Bucks vs. Kings were involved in a verbal exchange during the tunnel after the game, sources said.

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