The New York Cosmos, made extraordinary changing’s to the starting lineup, they add it Lucky Mkosana. Gio said to press conference of the club stats, “The reason we had to do that was because of so many matches in July. My thinking process was that I wanted to make sure we had fresh players getting the best result from each game. And it wasn’t just the goalkeepers. I wanted to make sure due to the fact that we played seven games in the month that we had fresh players and didn’t burn them out.

But once you give a privilege to another player and he performs well, you need to reward him. And the ones who are starters should be pushed. It was an interesting month. Now we can afford to be more consistent.”

Regarding the recent form of striker Lucky Mkosana, who has tallied four goals and three assists during the Fall Season, Gio has lots to say:

“At the beginning, Lucky was trying to understand his role and the competition. Little by little he’s started understanding and preparing himself. When the opportunity came he took advantage. He has played well.

Jairo Arrieta,Yasmani Duk and Lucky are all quality players pushing each other to get better. They’ve also played well together on the field. Lucky and Yasmani started last weekend and were interchanging nicely.

The coaching staff has always believed in Lucky. As a striker you have to just keep on working. Once you start finding the net, it becomes contagious. I think the confidence Lucky has been playing with is very important.”

On the quality of the Cosmos’ NASL opponents, heading into ahome match against Rayo OKC this Sunday:

“The NASL has always been a competitive league, since I’ve been coaching the Cosmos. I think that’s because all the teams have so much pride and want to win. It’s been competitive, so I have to give credit to the league and all the teams involved.

I also think the competition has grown, and we’ve gotten better. I think we’ve improved each year, from the first until now. We’ve been very content with the growth.”

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