Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon 2022

NEW JERSEY — A total lunar eclipse appeared in the night sky, with people across the globe enjoying a spectacular phenomenon and photographers took the opportunity to capture the dazzling celestial event.

May Lunar eclipse 2022. Credit balkanpress

A total lunar eclipse happens when the sun, Earth and moon form a near-perfect line-up in space. During these moments, which only occur during a full moon, the Earth casts a shadow on our natural satellite, changing its color and brightness.

Total lunar eclipses progress in three stages. The first stage is a penumbral eclipse during which the moon enters the lighter shadow of the Earth, called the penumbra. At this point, the face of the full moon that we can see dims very slightly.

The next stage is a partial eclipse, which begins when the moon starts to enter the Earth’s central, darker shadow, known as the umbra, and it dims noticeably, while some parts are almost obscured entirely as the shadow moves across its face.

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