Macedonian Galichnik Wedding 2023
|Galichnik, Macedonia (July 12, 2023) — The Festival in Macedonia called (Галичка свадба) is an annual festival held in the village of Galičnik in Macedonia near the city of Debar in which a selected couple gets married in the traditional “Galička” wedding. Traditionally the wedding lasted for 5 days with the main activities on St. Peter and Paul’s Day (12 July) every year. This year Galiička wedding day was held July 16th, and celebrities the 60th annual anniversary ceremony.

During the wedding, men’s dance ‘Teškoto’ its symbolizing the farewell moments of the local villagers who were leaving their homes to work abroad.
It was the only period of the year when couples got married. Today it is part of the festival “Galičko Leto” (Galičnik Summer) and it is a two-day event held on the weekend nearest to 12 July and it serves as a cultural and tourist attraction.

This year in July marked the 60th anniversary of the “Galičnik wedding”, in which the newlyweds dress up in folk costumes and the celebration is done according to folk customs, dances, and songs which date back several centuries ago.

Each year, couples from all over Macedonia enter a competition run by the organisers to be the couple that gets to have a “Galička” style wedding. Every year, a new couple gets the opportunity.

This year Bride and Groom were Oliver Andreevski, originally from the Galician Shuleski family, a long-time participant in Galician weddings as well as part of the organization of several events in Galicnik, while the bride is Elisaveta Buloska, originally from Ohrid. The couple meets all the necessary conditions to participate in the Galician wedding. May they be eternally happy and blessed.