Macedonia’s presidential elections Gordana Siljanovska (VMRO-DPMNE) won 37.8% first round

Macedonia’s presidential elections Gordana Siljanovska (VMRO-DPMNE) won 37.8% of the votes, the incumbent President Stevo Pendarovski, backed by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), is second with 18.66% and Bujar Osmani, backed by the Democratic Union for Integration (DSI), is third with 15.63% of the vote.

Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova VMRO won first election run with 38.8%. Foto credit balkanpress

The turnout in the first round of the presidential elections at the end of Election Day was over 48%, the State Election Commission said. A total of 48.46% of the country’s voters exercised their right to vote in the election of one of the seven presidential candidates.

The candidate who won an absolute majority of the total number of voters registered on the electoral list is considered elected in the first round in the presidential election. If this condition is not met, the two presidential candidates with the most votes go to a second round of elections, which will be held together with the parliamentary elections on May 8.

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