NEW YORK, NY – President Trump’s support for American farmers has a new symbol: the Trump Campaign’s new limited edition, green and yellow, “Make Our Farmers Great Again” hat.

The campaign’s online store describes the hat as a vow to “Make Our Farmers Great Again and to continue growing America into the strong, proud, hard-working country it has always been,” and asks visitors to purchase one to “support the American farmer.”

Shortly after the hats became available online, President Trump displayed them during his visit to Iowa on Thursday, where he tossed them out to the crowd and touted his recent zero tariff proposal with the European Union, the booming American economy, and his unrelenting support for rural America.

“I have to say, because we have a lot of farmers in this place, we had this hat made up,” President Trump said.

Michael Glassner, Chief Operating Officer of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. noted that within 72 hours of being offered at the online store, the hats sold out.

“Following President Trump’s lead, the American people have shown their support for our great American farmers,” Glassner said. “Within 72 hours of offering ‘Make Our Farmers Great Again’ hats online, we sold out, just like past politicians sold out American jobs from our farms and factories with bad trade deals,” he added.

Glassner noted the new design was an idea from President Trump himself. “The President wanted to show our farmers that he’s got their back and will fight for them every day. The deal President Trump struck with the E.U. to buy American soybeans is just the beginning of fair and reciprocal trade deals that will make our farmers great again,” Glassner concluded.

Strong support for the American farmer has been a hallmark of President Trump’s campaign and administration. In April 2017, the President issued an executive order establishing the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity to provide the rural American workforce with world-class resources and infrastructure — an initiative to create jobs for our rural workforce and unleash our economy’s full potential.

“Make Our Farmers Great Again” hats are currently available for pre-order and can be reserved for the next shipment on the campaigns online store.

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