Mayor de Blasio walk-out ceremony his final City Hall duties

New York — In final City Hall press conference, NYC Mayor de Blasio continues tease for governor run.

Alex Collins receive medal from De Blasio for winning NYCFC MLS Cup Championship 2021. Photo credit balkanpress

Mayor de Blasio walk-out ceremony on Thursday afternoon at his final City Hall press conference, the news briefing was 45 minutes late after being postponed an hour, but once underway it focused on Hizzoner’s achievements during the last eight years accomplishments he will certainly continue to highlight if he decides to run for the state’s highest office.

In a campaign advertisement, Rep. Max Rose tersely declared Bill de Blasio the worst mayor in New York City history. Rose joins a diverse coalition of people who have deemed de Blasio the worst  a list that includes de Blasio’s predecessor Rudolph Giuliani and Donald Trump.

Even if many New Yorkers would resist the impulse to tag the 109th mayor with that label, at this moment he appears to have few fans. In March, his approval rating was a tepid 40%, and approval of his handling of the COVID-19 epidemic plunged from 63% in May to 50% in July.

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