Nicole Malliotakis claimed victory Tuesday night in the race for the congressional seat

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Nicole Malliotakis claimed victory Tuesday night in the race for the congressional seat representing Staten Island and part of South Brooklyn.

The sitting assemblywoman claimed victory with a lead over her opponent, Rep. Max Rose, by a margin of 36,699 votes with 89.03% of the district’s precincts reported.

“I entered this race with eyes wide open knowing that victory wouldn’t come easy. But, from the start I knew this race was never about me,” said Malliotakis, who’s represented the East Shore and South Brooklyn since 2011. “This race was always about you, the hardworking New Yorker who obeys the law, pays their taxes and gets up every morning and goes to work.”

Malliotakis’ seat in the State Assembly will be taken over by former prosecutor Michael Tannousis, who defeated Brandon Patterson, a long-time staffer for State Sen. Diane Savino.

The declared winner prevented history as her opponent sought to become the first Democrat to retain control of the House of Representatives seat representing Staten Island. Rose won the seat in 2018 over Rep. Dan Donovan.

The sitting congressman used his speech after the incoming election results not to concede, but to call for all votes to be counted. He also addressed his participation in a “Black Lives Matter” march in early June.

“At this moment there are more than 40,000 absentee ballots that were returned, with potentially 10,000 more in the mail. As a soldier who fought for our democracy. I believe every vote must be counted,” he said. “I believe in this district. I believe in the America we know is possible. Where there is trust, love, and respect between police and the community.”

“Young Staten Islanders marched to express their pain. And for that – they were called rioters and thugs on national television,” Rose said.

Malliotakis based her candidacy around the issues of law and order and her support from President Donald Trump, whose race against former Vice President Joe Biden has not yet been decided.

Rose attempted to portray himself as a get-things-done Democratic centrist who hoped to continue his work with Republicans across the aisle.

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