NYC annual pride parade 2022

NEW YORK (June 26, 2022) — New York City’s annual pride parade kicked off Sunday with glittering confetti, fluttering rainbow flags and newfound fears about losing freedoms won through decades of activism.

NYC Pride Day walks Mayor Eric Adams. June 26, 2022. Credit by balkanpress

New York’s first Pride March, then called the Christopher Street Liberation Day March, was held in 1970 to mark the first anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion, a spontaneous street uprising triggered by a police raid on a gay bar in Manhattan.

The annual march takes place just two days after one conservative justice on the Supreme Court signaled, in a ruling on abortion, that the court should reconsider the right to same-sex marriage recognized in 2015.

Lgbt parade, June, 26 2022. Credit balkanpress

This year’s celebrations take place amid a potential crisis.

More than a dozen states have recently enacted laws that go against the interests of LGBTQ+ communities, including a law barring any mention of sexual orientation in school curricula in Florida and threats of prosecution for parents who allow their children to get gender-affirming care in Texas.

Jerry first Gay man honored walking at NYC Pride parade, June, 26 2022. Credit balkanpress

Several states have put laws in place prohibiting transgender athletes from participating in team sports that coincide with the gender in which they identify.

NYC Mayor at LGBTQ parade. June, 26. 2022. Credit balkanpress


Pride Day NYC, June 26 2022. Credit balkanpress
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