NYCFC are in the Community Soccer Program

The New York City FC, are in the Community Soccer Program of the greater New York, has dedicated to help community soccer, and 500 lives are impacted annually and 119 people voted for this project.Young leaders are changing lives through football and $600,000 to support them and fans have the opportunity to decide how funds are split by voting for their favorite cause.

This project takes One third of children in New York City’s public elementary schools are obese or overweight. To City in the Community Soccer Program continue for second year. So many young leaders have been using New York’s passion for soccer to encourage young people to get fitter and healthier.

“Lots of kids I know eat the wrong food and spend too much time indoors. Using soccer, we will get them active and teach them about healthy eating. It inspires me to see young people getting fit, eating right, and changing their lives,” the sources said.

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