NYCFC draw with Whitecaps FC

NYCFC went into this showdown with Vancouver Whitecaps FC with plenty of motivation.

There was a surprise on Domènec Torrent’s team sheet, with Argentine forward Valentin Castellanos earning his debut, just a week on from his loan switch from CA Torque.

With Sean Johnson nursing a shoulder injury, Brad Stuver also came in for his first MLS start in City colors against a Whitcaps team looking to make it three successive wins.

City were out to preserve their record 13-game unbeaten home streak themselves and they made a strong start, threatening from the opening exchanges.

Jo Inge Berget, on his return to the XI, went closest first, drawing a world class save from Stefan Marinovic on 6′ after the Norwegian had met Maxi Moralez’s serve into the box with his head.

The resulting corner rebounded out to City’s All-Star Alex Ring, who let rip with a strike that recalled his golazo vs. Atlanta, only this time the shot whistled over the crossbar.

June and July’s Etihad Player of the Month Anton Tinnerholm was next to go close with a trademark back post volley on 20’ but two minutes later it was the road team who took the lead against the run of play.

Catching NYC up the field, Nicolas Mezquida went at it alone, driving at the back four and unleashing an unstoppable drilled shot into the bottom corner from the edge of the box.

The excellent Ismael Tajouri-Shradi went close with an effort from just inside the area on 36’ but City would have to wait until stoppage-time at the end of the half to finally beat the increasingly put-upon Vancouver ‘keeper.

When the goal came, it was no surprise that Tinnerholm was involved, as the in-form Swede cut in from the byline and picked out Medina, who had the presence of mind to take an extra touch to draw the challenge from a defender, before stepping around and firing under Marinovic.

Buoyed by this equalizer, Torrent’s men wasted no time in seizing the initiative after the break, taking the lead after a powerful run and cross found Castellanos who forced it over the line on the slide.

A dream start to life in the Big Apple for the Argentine.

After recovering the deficit, City rarely looked in any danger of succumbing to the Whitecaps, enjoying near-total domination of the second half, creating more good chances, through Medina, Moralez and Ring, who all went close to adding the clinching goal.

It didn’t arrive and the home side was made to pay on 87′ when Hurtado scored a goal out of nothing on a rare Whitecaps counter which climaxed with a volley at the back post.

A frustrating way to end a night which had looked so promising.





Why starting a player that just came to the team (Castellanos)?


“Starting a player on his first week is not unusual. This is a matter of quality. They ask me why I sometimes start an 18-year-old player and that is because he has more quality than a 30-year-old. [Castellanos] trained with his former team for 15 days, he came and trained well and for the way we wanted to play today he was ideal. From the day you sign a player, he becomes part of the team, if you think this player can help you out go ahead. If he is lacking rhythm, then we will wait a little bit. But to me it doesn’t matter if he arrived days before.”


Does he think the team lacked luck or talent today?


“I think the second half we came out and we played better. We had plenty of chances, but we missed the opportunity to secure the match… we did not deserve to tie the game, but we were also unable to score more goals.”


When will David Villa be back?


“If nothing happens, David will be back for the next game.”


On if the result of the Atlanta United match change your game plan or formations in any way..


“I saw the game. We prepared the game against Vancouver. We wanted to play 4-3-3 and nothing changed. When you play football, it doesn’t depend on the result (of other matches). We want to play with five attacking players, with Jesus [Medina], Maxi, Tati [Castellanos], Jo [Inge Berget, Ismael [Tajouri-Shrad]i. I think in 20 minutes we played really well but after that it was the same the last three games.


On Castellanos’ and Stuver’s first starts with NYCFC…


“I’m very happy for him [Castellanos] because to arrive here, in fact, he trained 15 days in Uruguay and five days with us [NYCFC], especially the last two days he was amazing in the training session. When I decided to play with him, he has quality to play on the left side/right side, even the striker. I think he’s a player that will help us a lot. I’m very happy for Brad. I think Vancouver had a few chances and I think Brad was good, especially when we had the ball. He [has confidence in himself and the team as well. I’m very happy, I think we have two good goalkeepers right now. It’s important for us with the injured players, not just Sean [Johnson], every single player is important for us but the performance about Brad for me was good.”




On whether he was surprised to be in tonight’s Starting XI…


“I’m happy to be here and I’m happy for the opportunity that my coach and teammates gave me to be part of the Starting XI. It’s a little bittersweet that I happened to start for a match that ended up as a tie, but I’ll just keep on working and keep on getting better.”


On previously knowing Coach Domènec Torrent…


“I met him in Manchester and it was a pleasure to work with him there and being able to work with him here is a gift. I’m looking forward to taking advantage of the opportunity and connecting with this very hard working and intelligent coach.”


On tonight’s goal…


“It was a great opportunity. Special thanks to my teammates because they kept feeding me balls, kept feeding me in the same direction that I ended up with the goal. Still a little bittersweet, but I’m especially thankful for the opportunity my teammates gave me as well and I’m very happy to have debuted with a goal.”


On defining tonight’s experience…


“First off, I’ve never been here to New York, so just stepping foot on this field was great. It’s a great field, it’s a great stadium, the atmosphere was tremendous. I’m very thankful for the fans that came out today to support the club.”




On the first goal given up…


“We were recovering. They had numbers up on us and we were kind of retreating. I think as a group, we retreated too far, let them get to the top of the 18 and once he gets to shooting range I think we just need to step – and it starts with me communicating and just overall, it’s something we can fix for next time and it’s a good learning moment for all of us. He had a free shot from the top of the 18, he hit it really clean, I just tried to stay big for as big as possible and try and read it, but in that moment, I’m just trying to stay true and I’m not trying to guess and go the other way.”


On his first start for NYCFC…


“It was good. I actually feel comfortable in Yankee Stadium. One of my only other regular season starts was here as well. But it was good, the guys were great, training with them – there’s no learning curve with these guys. Just hop right in and whatever happens, happens.”


On the second goal given up…


“They made three key subs. They brought on Alphonso Davies, Yordy Reyna and [Erik] Hurtado. All three of them brought in some quality and pace at that stage of the game. It’s very difficult for us to change because they weren’t really pressing in the first half, then all of a sudden they put in the three speedsters and everything changes. They’re pressing every ball, they’re going after everything. It kind of looked like we were shell-shocked by the speed for a second. It happens but at the end of the day we just need to bounce back.”


On preparing for Alphonso Davies…


“[The news of his contract] is great for the league. It’s great for players, especially players here that are developed here, that are homegrown and go on to Europe for that bit of money. It doesn’t change anything for us. He’s a quality player, he has some tremendous pace and some special qualities but you look around this locker room and there’s players with special qualities as well. You just take it in, you know what he’s capable of and you just prepare like any other game. Just go in and know how to shut him down, if you can.”


On if NYCFC treated this match differently knowing Vancouver’s state in the standings, injuries, suspensions, etc…


“MLS is crazy. Anyone can win on any given day and we know that. You have to prepare as if it’s the MLS Cup Final every game and we went in the right mentality, we were creating a lot of chances. We just got burned in two moments, but we’ll get ready for Toronto.”




On his impressions of the opponent…


“We knew Vancouver would play this way. They stopped our attacks and they always counter attack and that is how they scored the first goal… but now we have to continue working and keep moving forward.”


On the first game for Castellanos…


“It was a great game for him. 60 minutes where he kept a good intensity he scored a goal and this is great for him to start building more self-confidence. I’m very happy for him and his performance tonight.”


On his thoughts on playing in the midfield


“I feel good. For a while when I was younger I played in that position and I like it. I feel comfortable as much as I do playing in the wing. I think I did a good job.”




On only gaining one point…


“We always play to win, we always want to gain all three points but today we tied so now it’s time to lift up our heads. We need to work hard during the week to correct what happened today.”


Thoughts on Valentin…


“Very good, it’s very difficult to adjust to a different type of field, but from the first day we felt a connection with him. He’s an excellent player and now he has a goal, that is important for his happiness and attitude towards the next game.”


On the late goal from Vancouver…


“I haven’t seen the goal, but I think it was our fault to let them have the ball and we had to defend but that’s soccer. They only have to get there once and it went in and that’s why we let 2 points slip away. Now it’s time to think of the next game and not make the same mistakes again, other than the mistakes we did it was a good game and we need to have confidence for the next match.”




On pulling out a draw…


“The boys are happy. I think when you look at the big picture, I love that group in there – I really love them boys. When they play like that and perform like that and give me absolutely everything – that’s the reason why I love these boys. If you had known the travel schedule we had and the day before our game – a training day yesterday, we weren’t able to be on the training pitch – we trained down by the PATH station, and they produced a charactered performance like that. I’m so proud of them, I love them to bits.”


On seeing the squad depth come into play tonight…


“Very important. Two center backs, I changed both full backs – Jake [Nerwinski]’s got an injury with his hamstring. [Aaron] Maund was excellent, Alphonso [Davies] has dropped into that role for me, so there was always rotation going to be done in this game because we’re up against Toronto [in upcoming Canadian Championship]. Alphonso [Davies] comes on and he was tired – you could see the effects of a long week for him. You got to give credit to Erik [Hurtado] as well because he’s been really, really patient throughout this year, he hasn’t complained. He’s gotten with his business, he’s got a super finish and he’s put himself right into the shop window now for me.”


On this draw producing momentum going forward…


“[NYCFC]’s a good as team as we have played. They move the ball very well. Tactically, they’re very smart. I think we limited them in the first half and then they made the adjustments in the second half, which causes problems. When that happens and you’re away from home, you got to hang in there. We saw last week when we scored three against Minnesota and were flying, they hung in there and they got one goal, it went to 3-2 and then it went 4-2 [us]. Today was similar. We were under caution a little bit, we defended for our lives like you need to do. They’re a really good passing team because they’ve got really good players. The two goals we gave away were two bad goals. The first, just before halftime, was poor defending. The second one, we caught under it, the Berget run behind our center back – it was a good goal for them but it’s a bad goal from us. Start of the second half, we didn’t go under – the boys continued to go. While we were only one goal behind, we’ll create a chance because of the players we got.”


On Stefan Marinovic’s performance today…


“I think that whenever you play, you have to be in the zone. I said to you my players give everything every week. Sometimes you say they don’t and they do. Sometimes it’s enough, sometimes it isn’t. Stef[an] was terrific today, but from Stef[an] all the way down to the three substitutes, they were all terrific. It was probably one of [Marinovic]’s best games because I’ve missed him too much this year.”




On coming off the bench and scoring at Yankee Stadium…


“Honestly, I was just doing my job. It’s good to come on the road and get a point. We’re fighting for points right now and every point at the end of the season is going to count.”


On tonight’s game plan…


“I mean, we had 18 players so we had all the players we needed. We came here and we wanted to get behind the counterattack, but we also wanted to defend well as a team.”


On scoring the equalizing goal…


“We got the ball and Brek [Shea] got great delivery and he put the ball right on a platform for me and I was wide open and put it in.”


On tonight’s game giving the team confidence…


“We have two wins already in a row, so this just makes it three games undefeated. We have confidence in the team, so we’ve just got to keep pushing forward.”

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