Official Olympics anthem with Katy Perry

Everybody talks about Olympics, and in advance,we are less than a month away, but a huge promotions for the international event are well under way and Katy Perry as well.

Katy’s latest ad video, comes with a new track and has been while with new work since 2014.

The song, “Rise,” will be on NBC’s official Olympics anthem, and was written and composed by Perry. The accompanying video sees athletes of all sports and nationalities as they train, compete, and win. Interspersed between new footage are highlights of the 2012 Olympic games that despite the four-year gap seem incredibly fresh.

Perry released a statement on her new music saying, “This is a song that’s been brewing inside me for years, that has finally come to the surface. I was inspired to finish it now, rather than save it for my next album, because now more than ever, there is a need for our world to unite.”

The sentiment resonates strongly as more and more details emerge about the recent terror attack in Nice, France, one that sadly follows a string of international acts of mass violence. Though music is not the single answer to bringing peace back to the world, Perry highlights its unifying ability: “I know that together we can rise above the fear – in our country, and around the world.”


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