Pero Antic and Thabo Sefolosha, will face N.Y. trial

The incident occurred about 4 a.m. outside the club 1OAK on April 8. Several videos of the arrest were obtained and posted by the website TMZ.  Sefolosha suffered a broken right fibula and ligament damage during the arrest that led to season-ending surgery. He said the injuries were caused by the police. He appeared at the hearing in a walking boot and using a cane. Thabo mentioned to the press, he wasn’t sure that will be ready for the start of the new season. He’s still in a cast & using a crutch.

Former Hawks center player Pero Antic, and ex teammate Sefolosha, they both have trial for the criminal court September 9th 2015. Pero not long ago signed a 2 years contract for Fenerbahce of the Turkish Basketball League, after he was waived by the Atlanta Hawks. Antic also is a member and captain of the Macedonian national basketball team. For him it was very hard to leave the Hawks, he became good friend with Mike Scott, Sefolosha and other teammates. He felt Atlanta like home, and move again to new life. He has to come soon to face the lawsuit, and to prove the innocent.

Both players were charged with obstructing governmental administration. Antic also was charged with one count of disorderly conduct and one count of second-degree harassment.


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