Pero Antic extremely difficult to leave Atlanta Hawks

Pero Antic extremely difficult to leave Atlanta Hawks.  As of this days he is signed two-years contract for Fenerbahce the Turkish league. He felt that moment of missing his new friends at the Hawks, can be easy to forget just how many professional basketball opportunities there are around the world.

At the prestige of his level, had to play in different countries and the Euroleague is premiere among those non-NBA leagues. The former Atlanta Hawks tattoo man Pero Antic will call home next season.

Antic’s departure from the NBA and the Hawks, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Chris Vivlamore, Antic wanted to be closer to Hawks, but that didn’t happen, and he has no other choice to be in his home of Macedonia,  it’s hard to blame him for making such a consideration. But the decision wasn’t an easy one, not his decision, it was his agent.

At list to play in the NBA League was always a life opportunity goal and according to sources  Antic said “I’m proud that I was able to represent Macedonia and be the first, of hopefully many, from my great country to play in the NBA.”

During his second season, many of the Macedonians fan’s were disappointed from his action after the game. Antic was overwhelmed from the fame.  From the backstage during interview we reached told us   “I enjoying my self  if I am on bench or not, I still earn!”

Antic said to resources “It was an extremely difficult decision to leave the Atlanta Hawks for many reasons. My teammates and I were able to accomplish some great things on the court during the past two seasons and we formed a close brotherhood off the court. They will forever be my friends.”

From the backstage locker room, Antic had fun as specially with Mike Scott teammates and late Thabo Sefolosha.  Outside a Manhattan nightclub on April 8, were charged with obstructing authorities and disorderly conduct but have denied any wrongdoing. He still needs to come in NY some point during the September court date.

Atlanta Hawks has made big changings during the Draft night 2015, this season won’t be the same without Pero Antic. And less followers as well from Balkan’s fans. Antic averaged a good 5.7 points and 3.7 rebounds in 63 games,  also including only three starts, as the Hawks advanced to the Eastern Conference finals this season. This will be always an history record. Also we can remember Antic as a  3-point shooting, though his accuracy declined this season. He averaged 7.0 points and 4.2 rebounds in 2013-14.

Credit by his wife and kids post on Instagram, Pero signed 2-years contract with Fenerbahce Euroleague.  Congrats Pero, wishing you best!



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