Peruvian Fest ‘Lord of Miracles’ mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

New York, (October 15,2023) —
The Peruvian community along, with many other Christian believers, the mass at St.Patrick’s Cathedral after processed through 5th Avenue with a replica of the indestructible Lord of Miracles (Señor de los Milagros) image after Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Peruvian Msgr. Guillermo Cornejo concelebrated with a special Mass for the occasion.

The Lord of Miracles (in Spanish: Señor de los Milagros), also known as “Christ of Miracles”, is an image painted of Jesus Christ that is venerated in Lima, Peru.

The image was painted during the 17th century by Benito or Pedro Dalcon, an African taken from what is now Angola to Peru as a slave. An annual procession commemorating the image occurs every October. It is one of the oldest Catholic traditions in Peru. It is one of the largest religious processions in the world.

In the middle of the most populated city in the United States, a procession shook the hearts of believers: the ‘Lord of Miracles’ toured “The Big Apple”.

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