President Trump traveled to Dallas, Texas

President Donald J. Trump traveled to Dallas, Texas to meet with community leaders and announce a slate of policies to address racial disparities in criminal justice, education, health, and economic access. President Trump is committed to giving Americans of every background access to the American Dream, and the Trump Administration’s actions will provide renewal, recovery, and revitalization for America’s most distressed communities. The President is working actively with community leaders from around the country to craft policies that will allow for the Great American Comeback to be enjoyed by all communities, regardless of background.

When he entered politics, President Trump promised to fight for all Americans, regardless of background, and he has kept that promise by engineering major advances for African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American communities throughout his first term. Now, the President is refocusing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council to assist minority communities through greater investment in Opportunity Zones, streamlined regulatory reforms, expanded educational opportunities, workforce development, and more. As the United States begins to transition to greatness following the coronavirus outbreak, President Trump will not allow for minority communities to be left out of the prosperity that is to come.


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