Refugees break over 50,000 in Macedonia

Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki assured UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres “that the border will not be closed in the future,” an agency statement said.

It called on the European Union to “step up support for countries affected” by the movement of refugees and migrants in southeastern Europe.

Figures from the UNHCR show thousands of desperate people, most of them from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, have been pouring into Greece on a weekly basis with the aim of travelling through Macedonia and Serbia to reach the European Union.

Some 42,000 people, including more than 7,000 children, have entered Macedonia since mid-June, the government in Skopje said. The SDSM opposite party, were at the actual place of the city Gevgelija, feed the hunger children and others Refugees.  SDSM is ready for help to arrange the activity with buses and other transport with the migrants, to explore in other countries. Few Scandinavian’s countries offered to take some of them.

“Социјалдемократскиот сојуз е искрен во намерата и во укажувањето на проблемот со мигрантите. Ги поддржуваме припадниците на полицијата и армијата и апелираме за хуман однос и третман на мигрантите. СДСМ е подготвен да ги стави на располагање целлокупните свои капацитет за да им помогне на надлежните за грижа на оваа ранлива категорија на граѓани”


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