Rio Olympics 2016

2016 Olympics in Rio next August, Mike Krzyzewski is stepping down as the head coach of USA Basketball.  Jerry Colangelo the president of USA Basketball.

Popovich was the other coach considered when Krzyzewski was hired back in 2004, and part of the reason Colangelo is rumored to have chosen who he did was he didn’t feel Popovich was as enthusiastic about the job.

It’s been 20-plus years since the Dream Team took the movement in a new direction. A major course correction was needed back when Colangelo and Coach K rode in on the white horses. The correction has been made. It’s safe to entrust it all to the pros again, at the very top level of the game worldwide.  LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and all the others who gave of their time and effort between chasing NBA championships have put themselves above reproach.

Popovich will do a great job coaching the USA Basketball, he might not want to do it, but will be great fit to get rid of the NBA attitude players and brings good régime in the team.

rio olympics

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