The New York Senate Democrats’ warm embrace of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel Keith Ellison is a slap in the face to the nearly two million Jews who live in New York, today charged the New York State Republican Committee.

Senate Democrats have recruited Keith Ellison, a controversial national Democratic Party figure who lost the fight for DNC chair earlier this year, to headline their June fundraiser. Congressman Ellison has a long history of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel leanings, including his ties to the well-known bigoted Nation of Islam group, his vote against funding Israel’s Iron Dome defense system and ironically, comments he was caught making at a private fundraiser, which the Anti-Defamation League called “deeply disturbing and disqualifying.”

“It’s shocking that Senate Democrats would invite and embrace someone who has a long history of anti-Semitic leanings to headline their event,” said NYGOP Chairman Ed Cox. “Regardless of Party, New York is home to nearly two million Jews, and to embrace someone with that history is deeply offensive and disturbing. Mr. Ellison was caught making anti-Israel statements at a past private fundraiser–is that what the New York Senate Democrats are looking for? This invitation speaks volumes about their values, and is more proof they are wrong for New York.”


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