Serena Williams is about to reveal baby sex

Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian don’t know the sex of their unborn child, but they have a feeling it’s a girl.

Alexis told Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday evening that his fiancée won the Australian Open while pregnant, which led her to believe the baby is female.

Alexis Ohanian and Serena Williams, have decided to not discover the sex of the baby until the day they arrive, they both have an awesome reason as to why they have a hunch that it just might be a baby girl.

This is our first child, “If anything, though, it really just reinforced how just amazing and strong and powerful and awesome women are and how useless we are during this whole thing. I’m like, ‘I can make you a grilled cheese.’ Does this help? We’re worthless.”

Although the couple has a little time to wait until they can confirm if their hunches are correct, we’re sure that they’ll be happy with whatever gender their child turns out to be.

Serena ans Alexis/Getty
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