Syrians occupied Europe

Syrians have occupied Europe and make a big migration crisis. It should be understood, at the highest point those are not migrants, but refugees. The level of abstraction, they need new homes and peaceful place.

If the United States is letting a guilty conscience prod it into taking in some of that flow, it shouldn’t. America is already incredibly generous to migrants, and settling Syrians here is not the most cost-effective or sensible way for us to help. The United States should be already to accept refugees,  generosity has extended to Muslims seekers.

United States would have a larger number of Muslims than any European country besides Russia and France. Statistic its about 20 percent of the world’s international migrants, even as it represents less than 5 percent of the global population,” according to the Migration Policy Institute. About a quarter of the US population is foreign-born or the children of immigrants.

Bottom line, more than 100,000 migrants are in Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and other poorest countries, and the last majority of them aren’t going back. There are tens of thousands more this month. Notably, no European country is offering to welcome any as a sign of their good international citizenship. So what the poorest countries can do?! The Europe won’t take them, and they

Who will accept them! The United States has to offer big help and Canada include, there is a big question of security, but according to the Wall Street Journal: United States spent $1.1 billion screening and re-settling 70,000 refugees last year.  In another generous first-world country, Norway, the government estimates that it costs $125,000 to support each refugee, but no one is interested to welcome them, only support by giving money, but how come the security about the other’s poor countries they should of be includes too. The idea is would thinking include with United State to support Syrian refugees and to devoted to resettling them in Jordan, they should find nearby Muslims countries, just not necessarily here or in the West!

How selfish is the Wall Street Journal thinking off! There is discrimination for not taking the refugees in this country, it’s not about money, the West is big land for everyone. The West thinking of protecting him self of the Muslims native. The idea from the first place is scary of thinking they are might going to occupied Europe, to be honest if the Wall Street Journal thought in first place,  to send money and help in nearby Muslims countries,  they will cost less stress traveling all the way from Turkay to Greece and stop by the Poorest countries and destroy them.

There are other point to worry about it, this is serious question to think, big invasion to Europe as specially to the poorest countries will be stuck with millions Muslims native, who are running away, not to their nearby, but they willing to have good welfare system and who doesn’t want that!.

At the very least take the serious resources that would devote to resettling Syrian refugees and spend them on helping the front-line states in the Middle East.

TOPSHOTS Migrants and refugees wait at Istanbul's Esenler Bus Terminal for buses to the Turkish-Greek border after authorities withheld tickets to Turkish border towns on September 16, 2015. Hundreds of refugees camped out at the main bus station in Istanbul for a second night running after being refused tickets for Edirne, some 250 kilometres (150 miles) away. Many of the refugees seeking to leave Turkey have been living in the country for months, sometimes years, after fleeing the bloody civil war in neighbouring Syria. AFP PHOTO / YASIN AKGULYASIN AKGUL/AFP/Getty Images
TOPSHOTS Migrants and refugees wait at Istanbul’s Esenler Bus Terminal for buses to the Turkish-Greek border after authorities withheld tickets to Turkish border towns on September 16, 2015. Hundreds of refugees camped out at the main bus station in Istanbul for a second night running after being refused tickets for Edirne, some 250 kilometres (150 miles) away. Many of the refugees seeking to leave Turkey have been living in the country for months, sometimes years, after fleeing the bloody civil war in neighbouring Syria. AFP PHOTO / YASIN AKGULYASIN AKGUL/AFP/Getty Images


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