The 59th Annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade

The 59th Annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade it is taking place on Fifth Avenue this Sunday, June, 12, 2016.

The Puerto Rican Day Parade marched on the Fifth Avenue in Manhattan as big crowds line the parade route. Overall the sources told that is about 100,000 participants and 1.5 million spectators, and yes! the biggest NY parade kicked-off beautifully as always.

Designated actress Rosario Dawson was the parade queen, and New York Knicks star Carmelo Anthony was the parade king. From the noon till 4 p.m. spectacular was that the biggest support for first time WABC-TV to cover  live broadcasted on the landmark family event.

Puerto Ricans have both immigrated and migrated to New York City. The first group of Puerto Ricans immigrated to New York City in the mid-19th century when Puerto Rico was a Spanish Province and its people Spanish citizens. The following wave of Puerto Ricans to move to New York City did so after the Spanish–American War in 1898.

In 1917, when the United States Congress approved Jones-Shafroth Act which gave Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico a U.S. citizenship with certain limitations. The migration of Puerto Ricans to New York City in the 1950s, known as “The Great Migration”. Similar to many other eastcoast cities, Puerto Ricans were the first Hispanic group to move to New York City in large numbers, 8.9 or 70% living in New York, after building up community and grow up the economy.

Puerto Rican parade day/credit Ita BalkanPress 
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