Though season started for Kevin Love

Tough season started in Cleveland for Kevin Love. It has been not easy to play around LeBron James and Kyrie Irving as the newest installment of an NBA big three, he was supposed to be a part of an unstoppable on the court.

Cav last season put up 113.6 points per 100 possessions, shot 49.7 percent from the field and 37.4. He didn’t play up to the standards he set in Minnesota, last season, Love posted his lowest scoring average 16.4 in five years, lower than the 18.3 he put up in 18 games in 2012-13 between moments of breaking his hand, but so far, this year has been big success and improvment in scoring, but his rebounding and passing numbers have improved, most advanced metrics show a significant improvement in Love’s performance.

Love is the best weapon in Cavs area great play around on the block in defensive mood and extension helps big recognized value from his team and numbers.

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