Tips of the most common herbal tea

A few tips of the most common herbal teas used for beauty, health strengthen the body, essential oil.


From years left we kept one phrase  in moments of nervous tension or stress, since ancient times – in Macedonian’s Greeks  this is one of the easiest chamomile fragrance symbolized complete herb important to balance the body.

The Anglo-Saxons absented it to one of the nine plants and floral taste is often described as a broth of “apple.” This is reflected in the historic chamomile name ‘Therapeutic’ value of plants is known to all – is, first and foremost a mild sedative. It allows you to adjust the digestion to get rid of the headache, saves the fl, painful menstrual cycle and nausea in the morning. Carefully take chamomile is only for people with individual intolerance plants, now in these days used in beauty products.
Noted fragrant and incredibly photogenic flower not only in perfumes but also in herbal medicine.  In the Middle Ages lavender herb of love and thought attributed to the mysterious power of seduction. Later joined by romantic deserts treatment – it was used ” all diseases of the head and brain.” Today intoxicating tea with a cool floral aroma may prescribe sleeping pills instead, from headaches and improve digestion . Allergy lavandoyluchshe not get carried away.

Mention infusion Melissa met in ancient Greek treatises already two thousand years ago.  Brewing tea in the office with a refreshing lemon taste feel free to talk to people that love this drink you have in common, used in the medicine.


Spicy mistress even those herbal tea leaves can not stand. Painfully fresh and good! Legend has it that when Persephone, jealous wife of the god of the underworld Hades, found him in the arms of a nymph Mint, then immediately send down on charmer spell and turned into the bush. In memory of the seductive mistress of Hades made fragrant plant that it continued to captivate others. And it seems that this attractive task mint copes brilliantly so far. To justify his own passion for this plant, you can use the healing properties of peppermint open: it is used against nausea, headaches, high temperature. Look no passions if you constantly use the same plant it will inevitably be toxic to the body. Mint is used in food, medicine and beauty.



There are two types flavorful of garden rosehips and wild flowers, the most amazing tree are disclosed in the 4-5 a.m. morning and closing their lifts – at 7p.m.night.

According to Slavic peoples the wild rose was a symbol of youth, love and beauty, and the Greeks – identified the blood of Aphrodite. Modern research rosehip is not so far from these mythical comparisons – it really helps with skin diseases and slows the aging process, but most common used for prevent cold, temperature, swollen, dishes, sweets of the food, and some of the lifts of wild rosehip are used in medicine.

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