On the tough schedule and tired legs…

When you play five games in 15 days, to come on the road to Salt Lake is always going to be a challenge. We tried to push through it, the guys gave an effort even when they went down a man. We had a couple chances even down a man. Through the course of the game, the first goal was an amateur goal. We can’t give up that goal. And when you’re on the road, in a tough place, in a game that you’re probably controlling pretty good, to give up a goal like that is just doesn’t help. The second goal is a good finish, we need to be able to step out step out and prevent the shot but it’s a great shot. Then we’re chasing a little bit halftime, we wanted to see what looks like with two forwards and Pozuelo on the field. And the problem is we lost control of things defensively, because we got to have guys who can defend them and in defending, work together.  I felt like we were losing our ability to recover the ball in good areas, we were losing some of our attack in the wide areas from Justin Morrow and some of them because they weren’t able to get as high. So, we shifted it back to a similar look to what we started with, with two forwards and we don’t make a play on a ball that’s played behind us and it ends up being a third one. Now we’re really, really kind of stretching. It’s one of those days, we keep battling but I’m proud of the guys’ effort till the end because I felt like it was there again on a day that they were fatigued and it’s a tough place to play they gave a fight until the end.


On the schedule being upsetting…

When the schedule gets set up and you look at it, you circle anytime you have five games in 15 days because it is a real difficult time. Specially to start it with two games on the road, and to finish it with a game in Salt Lake, it’s tough. We had the opportunities, we got the win in the first game. We started off slow in the Philadelphia game, made a couple errors. I thought we played really well the other night and weren’t able to capitalize. And then today in the toughest of all the games physically, we got on the wrong side of the game early. I thought we had some good chances at the beginning of the game, we really were pulling them apart. We didn’t capitalize and they did capitalize again, on what was kind of a ridiculous play.



On why the game resulted in the way that it did…

It starts with giving up goals. We can’t give up a goal on a set piece and conceding when you’re on the road is very difficult. We are really disappointed, but––even though it’s hard to say it––there are some positives to take away from this game.


On not capitalizing on early chances…

We have to score those early goals. If we give up goals early, we have to score. You know, it’s hard to always defend, but we are getting into the right positions. Even when teams are going to play a little bit deeper, we have to have that killer instinct and put the ball in the back of the net.


On what the team will do this week to regain momentum…

I think we’ll get some extra rest this week––because we need it after a long schedule––but we are sure looking forward to San Jose on Sunday night.



On his red card…

I want to say that I spoke with some players and I want to say sorry because it is a difficult situation. I know we lost 3-0 and the red card, so the team needed to play with 10, so it’s not good for me and not good for the team. I need to learn from this red card, and we need to continue.


On if the red card was fair…

Yes, because in the game we lost 3-0, they played short and it was frustrating. I want to kill somebody, but I shouldn’t do something like this. I want to say sorry to the team because it was difficult, we lost 3-0 and we had to play with 10. I need to learn fast and I hope Sunday we can win at home. We can train and we can change the mentality and we can win.


On resting before the next match…

No, I feel good. The game was 3-0 but in the first 10 minutes, we had 2-3 really big chances to score. If we score one, it’s a totally different game, but I feel good before the game. My leg for the moment feels ok, and I am ok.



Thoughts on the game…

I don’t think it was a complete game. We knew what to expect from Toronto. They are a very good team with the ball. We knew they were going to come in trying to win early and we also knew the dangers of their passing and tight spaces, over lows on one side to unlock on the other side. The first 15 minutes that’s what played out. Pozuelo and Osorio got into positions that not only were good for them, but we just didn’t adapt to them very well. But as those 15 minutes elapsed, we getting a bit more on the ball and we started to try to make end game adjustments to get to halftime to make better adjustments. But overall, they had a lot of the possession the first 15-20 minutes, but we never felt completely threatened at goal. Weather the storm a little bit and then we started playing a little and 3 really good goals.”


On how he feels about his back four…

It feels good. Over the last 2 ½ years that I’ve been here through injuries and through performances it hasn’t always been the case. The one consistency that a coach would love to have day in, and day out is the back four. I think they’re improving on a weekly basis. We also have someone like Marcelo leading in the wings who is eager to get on and we have a young kid like Erik Holt and Brooks Lennon. But the more that they can play together and read off of each other – and I still think they can improve so much based off of their position the spacing, the anticipation, the shifting but overall right now I’m very happy. Credit to them.”


On how the team played without Sam…

I’ll point out Bofo and Savarino. Some of the adjustments we looked to make in the game and at half time were based on their positioning. We know what they could do going forward with the ball but defensively we made some adjustments and they both did it almost to a t in the second half and again as a coach that’s what you want. You want to either make an adjustment or you want to work on something and see that it gets applied in the game so credit to them.


On celebrating with Saucedo…

It was like Titanic with music playing in the background, it was a beautiful embrace. Is somebody I’ve had since I had gotten here. He’s a young player and he realizes that I’m willing to give opportunities for many different reasons. Bofo earned this opportunity coming back to preseason this year with an unbelievable attitude. He has quality playing ahead of him right now; international quality at times with specifically Savarino and Plata. When his opportunity comes, he needs to take it, and we made a switch for him to come in and two games now I’m very happy with how he’s played. I think that’s an interesting moment because of the conversations that we had and him getting it. Now does that mean Bofo is going to start next game? No, we have five days of practice in between that will determine that. I’m happy for Bofo, the last two games he’s had success, he’s done well, the most important is the next game, the next action, the next practice, the next minute. That’s what Bofo needs to keep realizing.


On characterizing where the team is…

It’s always good and bad. Bad probably isn’t the right word, there’s always good and things we need to work on. We worked on specific things this week and when I look at the game, again like I say many weeks in a row, there were moments where I saw, and moments where I didn’t. It’s making progress. Two wins in a row now, one on the road, one at home now and the most important is Atlanta now which is a whole new complication that we’re going to have to deal with from them. We’re what, a third of the way through the season? I’m hoping that we keep going on a trajectory that, forget about wins and losses, that we’re improving play. If you improve play and apply tactics, you’re out there for ninety minutes doing the things that we’ve worked on and you know we’re right, then I don’t want to say winning becomes inevitable but you have a better chance at winning than not and that’s what I want to see as a coach.”


On Nick Rimando and Everton Luiz’s return from injury…

Nick, shutout, what can you say? He had two really big saves and a couple of others. Nothing much to about Nick. 20 years, you expect that. What do they call him? The Wall of the Wasatch? You expect that. Happy with him coming back in after being out for a bit and now, he’s got even more confidence for next game. Everton, I’m very happy we got Everton on because he’s been out for a while. At 3-0 to get him on to get some movement that he’s probably not used to over the last month, to get prepared for next week and the week after, is important to us. The timing was perfect — winning, being at home, a man up — to get him on and get those movements, those touches on the ball.


On six goals in the past two games…

It’s two completely different games from last week to this week. I think seizing your opportunities, taking your opportunities. At times, it starts from me, from either transition or getting back into proper shape to unlock them at times, and I thought that’s what happened over the two games on a couple of goals — as far as getting back into good shape, them maybe overcommitting at times, and us exploiting areas and taking our opportunities. Most important thing for me is that the goals keep coming and the confidence builds in our front guys to get those goals.

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