Venezuelan students died after being shot during protests.

World talking about latest news for Venezuela has renewed nationwide anti-government rallies to pressure President Nicolas Maduro to step down.

It’s been caused a day after three people were killed in similar demonstrations dubbed by the opposition as the “mother of all marches”.

Maduro has ordered the army to march on Wednesday in “defence of morality” and “in repudiation of the traitors of the country”, a demonstration of force as a rival demonstration called by the opposition is also scheduled to take place in Caracas.

Two of the Venezuelan students died after being shot during protests. Security forces fired tear gas at anti-government demonstrators they accusing Maduro of eroding a democracy and plunging from the start economy into chaos.

On the capital’s northwest side, a student was shot in the head by motorcycle-riding gunmen who also threw tear gas canisters into a crowd of protesters, witnesses told the AFP news agency.

Waving the country’s red, yellow and blue flag and shouting “No more dictatorship” and “Maduro out”, tens of thousands of protesters converged from 26 different points spread across Caracas to attempt to march downtown to the Ombudsman’s office.

Despite Wednesday deadly violence, opposition leader Henrique Capriles called for fresh protests on Thursday to continue.


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