Vienna Opera Ball – Kim always do Drama

The weirdo who came up to Kim Kardashian in black face at the Vienna Opera Ball — pretending to be Kanye West — now claims the entire encounter was a misunderstanding … insisting he’s NOT a racist … and didn’t mean to offend her.

Kim was paid $500,000 to be the guest of Austrian businessman Richard Lugner at the event. Lugner later said Kim was a crappy date.

Kim is saying there were other problems. She told her people Lugner was aggressive, at times grabbing her and imploring her to lose her security. She said Lugner was trying to be alone with her, Obviuosly he purchesed the DATE !!
What she expected to be a Queen, she was Paid to act like he likes to do. And she has no Rights to be diva in this point. She is weirdo and cheep….

Her mother danced with Richard at whole time, that was ashame Kim and wasted him $500.000

Kim Kardashian

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